Do you want to achieve all of that with far less effort than you thought?
In far less time?
It’s very humbling to realize that the 4-year university degree you studied hard for, doesn’t really achieve patient outcomes. Most clients responded with short-term pain relief at best. They often returned months later with the same pain, often worse than before. Rarely did treatment results last, and I was actually unknowingly creating a cycle of dependency in my clients, which kept the money rolling in for my Boss, but left me feeling very dissatisfied professionally.
So I got on with the job of opening my mind and absorbing other content from other fields of science, spirituality, movement disciplines, etc. I asked questions, I read, I enquired deeply, I experimented, I played. I got frustrated, I felt like I was letting people down, I felt useless, and occasionally, I made a real difference in one life, which kept me going. It helped that I had a husband at the time who was chronically in pain. I made the mistake that many wives make. I tried to fix him. Not Smart. Lessons learned, marriage dissolved.
Can you even remember what it’s like to be pain-free, moving well, and feeling strong?
To be able to garden, mow the lawns, and feel like you are contributing to the house?
To know you can get on and off the floor with ease and grace?
To know you can lift that child into the back seat without fear?
To know you can surf without paying for it afterwards?
Emotional Fitness
Quality Movement
You will learn something new.
You can buy it if you want.
It’s only $ 4.95 AUD
If you like the ideas shared, and realise you need some help with the details or implementation, you may end up becoming a client of ours. Or not. Either way, I will sleep easy knowing I have shared some solid ideas that can shift you toward long-term spinal healing.
Here is some of what you will discover in the book:
Do you want to achieve all of that with far less effort than you thought?
In far less time?
I am a physiotherapist with over 28 + years of experience working with back pain clients. I have developed the Bulletproof Backs Blueprint for Banishing Back Pain by combining mindset, emotional fitness, and movement drills into a powerful combination that gets results.
The book is an introduction to that system which will open your mind and get you heading toward wellness if you fully participate in the strategies and ideas shared.
For $4.95 you get the book, and I am throwing in two bonuses to up level your knowledge even further.
Obviously, If you read the book, enjoy my approach, and feel you need more, then it is my hope that you will upgrade to the digital online course or consider working with one of my coaches
You can read the book and listen to the bonuses for a full six months. If for some reason the concepts trigger you, or you simply don’t resonate with the work, then please - get a refund. I don’t want your money if I don’t help you.
Conversely, if you read the book, and learn some vital new information that really helps your spinal situation, then I invite you to share what you know, so that together - we can reduce the global back pain epidemic.
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